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Culmination II – A History Painting    Acrylic on Plexiglass  19 inches x 38 inches

The primary theme of this piece is “What is the beautiful?” which is carved into the upper part of the frame around the girl with the large lollipop. This Platonic question is being considered by the “thinker.”

A secondary theme is the difference between the naked and the nude as articulated by Kenneth Clarke in his book “The Nude.”

A fourth theme is carved in the bottom of the frame around the painting of Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite. It says “A lover of sights.” Which is a Platonic description of early tourists as well as the unenlightened. However, Aristotle loved the sense of sight.

This may seem like a lot of themes, but it is a complex piece.

There are many artistic and literary references including Raphael’s “School of Athens” depicting Aristotle and Plato. Next to this is a plaque which says “The overexamined life is not worth living.” The “thinker” cannot answer in Platonic terms the question of “what is the beautiful” so in Aristotelian fashion he is positing all of the many examples of beauty within the painting.

The archers and slingshoters are a reference to Pollaiuolo’s “Martyrdom of St Sebastian” and a literary reference. Can you guess the literary reference?

Michelangelo’s “Jeremiah” placed below Vermeer’s “Milkmaid” is quoted to indicate where Rodin stole his pose for the “Thinker” I stole the frame around the “Milkmaid” from another of Vermeer’s paintings. Above Jeremiah is a plaque which says “Wisdom comes through suffering.”

There is much more to the painting but I will leave you to interpret the rest for yourself.

Acrylic on Plexiglass 19 inches x 38 inches $295,000

Giclee $2699 framed

Giclee $1999 unframed

Culmination II – A History Painting – Color Drawing

This is a color pencil drawing on bond paper. It is the final drawing in a series of drawings I did to work out the composition of the painting. The first drawing in graphite pencil was a rough to layout the idea. The second graphite pencil drawing was much more detailed. This final drawing was started in graphite pencil. Many parts have been erased and redrawn, some many times. When I arrived at the final design, I colored it with Prismacolor pencils to plan the color scheme for the eventual painting.

Prismacolor pencil on paper         19 inches x 38 inches         $19,800

Photorealist Signature Piece # 6

This is an autobiographical painting. It is part of my series of signature pieces. Because the figures are inside of the signature it is to some degree a depiction of the “inner” life. However, I had a hard time deciding how to represent the “inner” life and I had to fall back on the Freudian themes of sex and violence.

Chronologically, there are eight self-portraits within the signature. Two are from childhood: holding a dog and as a cowboy riding on a phony pony. I am wearing blue sunglasses and a yellow tie as a student at RISD. The pair as devil and angel are a little older. In the upper left-hand corner of the “R”, is a self-portrait holding a bunch of checks I received for sales of my 1981 California Duck Stamp print. At the bottom of the “S” I am duck hunting. In the final self-portrait I have taken the pose of Munch’s “scream”

Roger Pistorius running and the woman on a crutch represent the handicaps which we all have and must strive to overcome.

The red/green complementary color scheme represents the fires of Hell below and the calm of nature above. The scheme, however, is not followed scrupulously. The woods behind UCSF Med Center at the top of the “R” represent the light from above. At the far right, the beams of light at Lands End in San Francisco represent the light at the of the tunnel.

The art references include Michelangelo’s Rondanini Pieta, a Hellenistic sculpture of Venus, Vermeer’s presumed self-portrait and an erotic Indian temple sculpture.

Acrylic on Plexiglass         19 inches x 38 inches             $195,000

Giclee on paper $2600 framed

Giclee on paper $1899 unframed

Photorealist Signature Piece # 5

This is another self-portrait. It is a contrasting pair with Photorealist Signature Piece # 6. As the figures, animals and landscapes etc. are outside the signature, it theoretically represents the outer life. To that end, I included myself only in groups with others.

The art references include Michelangelo’s Sistine Pieta, Fumiani’s St Stephen, a classical Greek bronze and a bronze of Renaissance painter Moretti.

Pencil on Layout Bond Paper        24 inches x 40 inches

Not for Sale


This pen and ink drawing is a modern interpretation of the Biblical story of the Expulsion of the human race from Paradise. The Garden of Eden is pictured behind a vast wall containing a gigantic zebra and a great number of huge sand timers. The timers are limiting the duration of everything in the universe and are labeled for that purpose. The Gate of Eden is a large arch in the wall under the zebra through which the human race has been expelled. The apple tree may be seen behind the arch.

The multiple Adams and Eves are running on the rocky road of life. The snake is slithering with them. They are confined to the road by a giant bird, a saber tooth tiger, an allosaurus, a tyrannosaurus rex and a Malaysian sun bear.

The Bible story has been updated to include dinosaurs and cave men which represent the alternative theory of evolution. The cave men are throwing spears of influence at the modern human race.

There are also demons which are portrayed next to small sand timers which limit an individual human’s life. When the sand runs out the demon leaps or flies down to take the soul to its appointed destination. One such demon is portrayed leaping down from above the triceratops type of dinosaur.

There are many other objects hidden throughout the piece. Can you find the kitchen sink?

Pen and Ink on Bristol Board     30 x 36    inches $295,000

Giclee 30 x 36 inches     $2,699    framed    $1,999 unframed

Felt Markers on Canvas      11 feet x 14 feet     $195,000

The Fall of Man

This was my first attempt at illustrating the biblical Expulsion story.  Adam and Eve are leaving Paradise and heading to Civilization.  Very Rousseau.

Pen and Ink with watercolor on paper    14 inches x 18  inches          $29,000


This graphite pencil drawing is an “outtake” from my biblical series of “Expulsion” and the “Fall of Man”.  It captures Adam just after his landing in the “Fall of Man”.  I particularly enjoy the off-center placement of the figure.

Graphite Pencil on Paper        4 1/2 inches x 3 ½ inches         $9,800

American Rococco


The original drawing of this piece is executed with black color pencil on frosted mylar.  This was used as a positive to expose a photolithography plate which was hand rolled to print black and white lithographs.  I hand colored some of those prints.

The narrative is based on the ancient Greek story of Pandora’s Box.  The drawing depicts a giant Jack in the Box which is supported by four “Atlases.”  The leering puppet head has popped out of the box.  The hands of God have come down to push the puppet’s head, the joke of life, back in the box.  This would squash the human Atlases except they have been given the power to resist by the butterfly of Hope, which is fluttering forth from Pandora’s Box.  I have represented Pandora’s Box as a Venus of Willendorf sort of sculpture on the ground between the Atlases.

The seated figure with palms upturned is the philosopher.  The crouching figure is the warrior.  The girl is Fragonard’s “Girl on a Swing.”   The figure on the tightrope is highest man in that society.

The exterior of the box is based on photos I took of Moscone Center’s hole in the ground before its foundation was poured.  It was then a homeless encampment.  The interior of the box is a German Rococco church interior.

The entire story is written on a banner hanging down from the upper left corner.

Prismacolor Drawing on Acetate    25 inches x 14 ½ inches        $195,000

Hand Rolled Lithograph  25 inches x 14 ½ inches    $2,600 framed    $1,899 unframed

Hand Colored Lithograph      25 inches x 14 ½ inches   $5,900 framed    $5,200 unframed

Melting Masters

The three sculptures, David, Lacoon and a bronze Japanese War God are rendered as candles in a candelabra.  The flames atop their heads will eventually melt away the works and the knowledge of their techniques.  Only the four framed photorealist drawings of nudes will remain.

Pen and Ink on Bristol Board            27 inches x 21 inches           $95,000

Melting Masters II

This is a lithographic print of Melting Masters.  I replaced the nudes with photorealist line drawings of flowers.

Hand Rolled Lithograph on Arches paper       27 inches x 21 inches

framed $2699            unframed $1,999


The theme is taken from Tolkien’s “Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings”.  Wilderland is located in the northern area of Middle Earth. Smaug the dragon is guarding his domain.

Pen and Ink with watercolor on paper       unframed  13 ½ inches x16 ½ inches     $29,000     framed    20 inches x 22 ½ inches

Wild Woman

This is an acrylic painting on paper.  It has the appearance of a watercolor.  It is set in a fantasy scene influenced by Maxfield Parrish.  I have always enjoyed the work of the great American illustrators:  Parrish, Leyendecker, Rockwell and N.C. Wyeth.

Acrylic on Paper        6 ¾ inches x 4 5/8 inches               $9,800


This pen and ink drawing with acrylic paint washes is of a town hall in Germany.  I did it from a photograph before I ever visited Europe myself.  I was attracted to all the architectural detail.  The cartoon strip Snuffy Smith was one that I enjoyed as a kid.  I made the shape of the fantasy tree the same as Snuffy’s tongue.

Pen and Ink on Paper with Acrylic               16 ½ inches x 13 ½ inches               $19,800


This is a xerox of the original pencil on paper layout drawing.

24 inches x 36 inches  

Not for Sale


The hero stands defiant against the “evil” forces which are arrayed to knock him out of his paradise.  This piece is unfinished.

Black Prismacolor pencil on frosted acetate.

24 inches x 36 inches   Not for Sale